REO Real Estate

BPO Services

  • We work to provide quick turnaround, because we know time can be of an essence.
  • Accuracy is key when we provide reports.
  • Quality pictures are important for us to provide so you know exactly what the asset looks like. 
  • We take the guess work out of things for you.

What Is Broker Price Opinion (BPO)?

A broker price opinion (BPO) is the estimated value of a property as determined by a real estate broker or other qualified individual or firm. A broker price opinion is based on the characteristics of the property being considered.

A BPO is not representative of an official appraised value, nor will it necessarily correspond to a property’s market value. A broker price opinion can be requested by a lender who wants an assessment of a property for such needs as the refinancing of a mortgage or a foreclosure.

The owner of a property could also seek such an opinion if they are looking to make changes either through a sale or a refinancing of their mortgage. A broker price opinion might be sought because the service could cost much less and be performed more quickly than an appraisal of the property. Brokers may perform what is known as a drive-by broker price opinion, wherein they only see the property from the exterior. The broker might leave their car, but they will not attempt to enter the residence.

An internal broker price opinion is developed by gaining authorized access to the home and reviewing its condition and amenities. This can include taking photos of the property.

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